Primary Rhymes Tamil

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  2. Baby Rhymes In Tamil
Teachers: Smt. Lavanya Shyamkumar, Smt. Lalitha Sridhar, Smt. Sivasankari Boopathi, Smt. Nalini Suresh
​Youth Teacher: Ayyan Sureshkumar

Lavanya is a Masters graduate in Ecological Science. Born in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, her school and college education was in Chennai and partly in Salem. More than Tamil language being a part of her school education, it turned out that she started admiring and exploring the language way beyond its curriculum’s horizons. She has participated in various Tamil public speaking events. She is very passionate about the language and is a voracious reader of Tamil literature books. She has been teaching Tamil at Balvihar for the last 5 years.

Lalitha has done her MPhil in Hindi literature and her Bachelors in Music, majoring in Vocal and Violin. She had a short stint of teaching in India, trained in Translation of texts from Hindi to Tamil. This is her fourth year with Balvihar.
Course Syllabus
The Tamil chapter of Allentown Balvihar had tied up with American Tamil Academy (
மழலை (Primary):
Learning of letters and numbers in Tamil
Learning the names of Fruits, Vegetables, Colors, Plants, Animals, Body parts, Directions, Tastes, Seasons, Shapes, etc
Learning to speak tamil words & sentences clearly
Tamil Rhymes
நிலை 1 (Level 1):
Learning to write all the combination of letters
Tamil language fundamentals, Aathi Choodi (ஆத்தி சூடி) Konrai Venthan (கொன்றை வேந்தன்)
Tamil Rhymes
Further names of domestic animals, wild animals, vehicles, flowers
Matching the pictures to workds
நிலை 2 (Level 2):
Learning nouns, verbs
More words and translating to English
Learning small sentence formations
நிலை 3 (Level 3)
Learning small sentence formations
Learning short stories and sonnets
Grammar foundation, Adverbs, Tenses etc.
More sentences, words and ancient literary sonnets like திருக்குறள், பாசுரங்கள்
நிலை 4 (Level 4)
Introduction to ancient literature
Translation from Tamil to English and vice versa
Learning to write small sentences with grammar in Tamil
Learning to read prose, poetry and other formats
நிலை 5 (Level 5)
Learning Tamil Grammar in an intermediate state. Adverbs, Adjectives, Verb classes, Negative infinities, Conditional verbs, etc
Simple and Compound sentence formations
Active and Passive voices
Interrogative sentences
நிலை 6 (Level 6)
Learning next level Grammar implied verbs / nouns, combination / compounding etc
Prose reading and writing
Speech training
Non-detailed texts.
நிலை 7 (Level 7)
Advanced and final stage of Tamil Grammar
Prose / Poetry reading, writing and translation
Non-detailed texts
Ancient and Modern literature

Primary Rhymes Tamil

Tamils - a Trans StateNation..

'To us all townsare one, all men our kin.
Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill
Man's pains and pains' relief are from within.
Thus have we seen in visions of the wise!.'
Tamil Poemin Purananuru, circa 500 B.C

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Rhymes Lyrics and poems Near rhymes Synonyms / Related Phrases Mentions Descriptive words Definitions Homophones Similar sound Same consonants Advanced Words and phrases that rhyme with till: (445 results). 'Johny Johny Yes Papa Nursery Rhyme' - 3D Animation Kids Songs & English Nursery Rhymes For Children. This Tamil Rhymes for Children collection is all about the little baby, its emotions, naughtiness, daily activities etc. Also, this baby rhymes collection de.

Nursery rhymes in tamilPrimary Rhymes TamilRhymes story in tamil

Home >Tamil Language & Literature> Learning & Teaching Tamil


Universities TeachingTamil
Computer-aided Teaching of Tamil
TeachingChildren Tamil
California Tamil Academy
Tamil Script: APage for self-study -Stroking the aksharas (Javaanimation)
Tamil Language inContext - Learning Materials'This site contains textual,audio, video and interactive exercise materials forbeginning learners of Tamil who place themselves inone of the following different levels based ontheir prior exposure to the Tamil language. Pleaseselect the level below that fits your proficiencylevel and follow the instructions therein. Grammarand culture lessons are embedded in every lesson,so there is no need to use the links on theleftside right away. You can read any of the topicsthat is of interest to you from the grammar andculture lessons. But, you can go straight to thevideo lessons, and startusing the lessons from any one of the units, if youwish. '
Learning Tamil -Video Lessons for I and II Years
Google:English - Tamil Online Transliteration with TamilKeyboard
Learning TamilOnline
Learn to Speakin Tamil Online


Tamil Dictionaries & Reference -Books, On Line & Free Downloads
History of Tamil Dictionaries-Harold Schiffman,1998
Tamil On-lineLexicon

Learn Tamil Through English
- Sendhil Kumar Cheran

California TamilAcademy
Tamil Paadanool - ElangoCheran 'Learn Tamil -an online version of a textbook to teachTamil to those who knowEnglish'[alsoin PDF]
Talk Tamil -Audio
How to Write a Letterin Tamil
Tamil Script Book: Learner's Manual -Sankaran Radakrishnan together with 25Questions for Learners to Check theirLearning
ITfor Education in Tamil at Tamil Internet2003
Tamil Teaching throughInformation Technology at Tamil Internet2001
TransliterationRules: Tamil - English
Tamil Teaching via Distance Learning:Achievements and Prospects for the Future -Harold F. Schiffman, 2002
How to read and writeTamil characters


Tongue tied in Singapore - HaroldSchiffmann
E-Learning inTamil- The Singapore Tamil Classroom Journey ,Sandi Perumal & Kalyani Rajendran,2002
TamilEducational Multimedia Software Creation made Easy- An Experience - R. Kalaimani, NationalInstitute of Education, Singapore, 2002
TheSingapore Tamil Classroom Challenge - TeachingStrategies and Tamil Internet �Striking the Fine Balance, Mrs.Ravindran,2002
Tamil Education -Singapore Primary Schools Content

through theInternet

TalkTamil - Learn tospeak in Tamil
Learn Tamil atChennaibest
Learn Thamizh 'You can learnThamizh language in two ways �written form and spoken form. The first course maybe difficult for the beginner.Now you can learnSpoken Thamizh from home with an interactiveCD..'
Know Your Mother Tongue -S.Vijayaraghavan
Subhashini's Tamil Digital Village '...Digital Village is aconcept that enable Tamil kids and parents to learncomputer technology through internet. Here I havecreated digital models for kids. It is alwaysinteresting to work in team to obtain technicalskills...'
TamilLanguage Syllabus - UK
How to write inTamil using Anjal Font - RamRavindran
Tamil Learning Resources-Pulavan, Tagtamil, PCtamil, ArborTamil VasuRanganathan, University of Pennsylvania,USA
A Proposal for a Web site toTeach Tamil - Harold Schiffman, University ofPennsylvania, USA
Unmoderated Mailing List onTamil - University of Pennsylvania,USA
Tamil Language - Ilanko, NewZealand
Inventory of Tamil LearningMaterials - South Asia Gopher, ColumbiaUniversity
Thamil Paadanool- Learn Tamil
Tamil EducationConnection
Thamil LearningResources - Sendhil Kumar Cheran
TamilLanguage Textbooks - SiddharthanRamachandramurthi
TamilLanguage Classes - SiddharthanRamachandramurthi
Teachionary: Tamil WordSets
Shishubharati School inBurlington, MA
Learn BasicTamil
Tamil Nadu Text BooksOn Line

Teaching Software

Let us Learn Tamil -CD
'Learning to read and write Tamil is easy.You can do it in just 45 days, if you spendat least 60 minutes a day'...

Learn to ReadTamil
Colloquial Tamil CompactDisc: The Complete Course for Beginners(Audio CD) by Ron Asher, E.Annamalai
TEEDORTamil Learning Software
Tamil Educational Multimedia SoftwareCreation made Easy - An Experience - R.Kalaimani, National Institute of Education,Singapore, 2002

Learning Tamil Section and
Dictionaries &Reference

nation Library

Learning & TeachingTamil

' Alanguage is more than just a means ofcommunication. It is a repository of acommunity�s collective historyand heritage. It also provides an identityand a focus that binds together a community forsocial togetherness, that makes individualaccomplishments that much easier. Well aware ofthis, Tamils of North America, made acommitment to themselves to perpetuate thelearning of Tamil in the Americas. Towards thatprimary goal, the UCB Tamil Chair was conceivedin 1991, and a formal committee was formed in1992 to provide focus to the fund raisingefforts and to manage the logistics withUCB...' KumarKumarappan on the Endowment of the Tamil Chairat University of California, Berkeley,2001

'...Interestingly, the Tamil word forvowels, Uyir means life, and the word forconsonants, Mey means both body and reality.Neither life nor body can exist without theother. ..' Tamil: Its Assets & CurrentNeeds - Dr. R. Jegannath

'...Languageis more than a symbol. In it isstored the accumulated experience of apeople... to part with it would be to loose thekey to our past, to cut away the roots from thetree...' On Language &Nation - Eamon de Valera

The University of PennsylvaniaWeb Site for Learning and Teaching Tamil is aproject of the Penn Language Center and is fundedpartially by a grant from the Consortium forLanguage Teaching and Learning, with the jointparticipation of Tamil-teaching faculty at theUniversities of Chicago, Cornell, andPennsylvania. The Project members are Prof. Harold F. Schiffman andDr. Vasu Renganathan

The comprehensive teachingmodules include a Tamil Writing Project, anInvocation on Tamil Goddess, an Introduction tothe Tamil Alphabet that can be used to practicemaking the various characters that make up theTamil alphabet, exercises based on Readerlessons, some simple Conversational Exchanges,and Modern Short Stories for readingcomprehension.

LearnTamil Through English by Sendhil KumarCheran, a second generation Tamil born and raisedin the United States, contains PDF-formattedlessons for teaching Tamil to English-speakingsecond generation Tamils. The lessons are basedon the method used to teach Tamil as a foreignlanguage at universities in the UnitedStates.

The site is a valuablelearning resource for second-generation Tamils.It does not simply concentrate on teaching thealphabet and vocabulary words but containslessons that are designed specifically forteaching sentence formation. In hisIntroduction, SendhilKumar Cheran writes:

'The human brain is hard-wired to learnlanguage from birth. Young children have aninnate ability to absorb and internalize thelanguage(s) being spoken around them. Aschildren get older and become teenagers, theirability to quickly learn new languagesdiminishes greatly. Whereas a languageimmersion environment is all that is needed to�teach�language to a young child, the older child andteenager needs to learn new languages through amore structured approach. The lessons found at thiswebsite will provide the structure for learningThamil through English. By learning thegrammar contained in the lessons, learners willbe able to use their knowledge of English toproduce sentences in Thamil.

These lessons are based on the highlyeffective method used to teach Thamil atuniversities and colleges in the United States ofAmerica. The method was developed by linguistsfluent in English and Thamil, and it makes use ofthe student's fluency in English to teach writtenThamil. This knowledge of written Thamil can thenbe very easily applied to learn the spoken language. I was bornand raised in the United States and never spokeThamil until I was nearly 18 years old. I wasfirst introduced to this method during the summerof 1997, and I had achieved fluency in thewritten and spoken language by the summer of1999. To get an idea of my level of languageproficiency, read my articles inThamil.'

How to write in Tamil usingAnjal Font website is maintained by RamRavindran

The multi media KalviTamil Learning Software by Softech Creationsteaches Tamil through English. It includesprograms for teaching (with sound pronunciation)the Tamil vowels (a... au), consonants (ka, nga,, how compound letters are formed,numbers, a word game and three letter words in avariety of game/video formats.

Tamil has been taught as part ofIndological Studies at Uppasala University,Sweden since 1967. Other Universities where Tamilis taught include Heidelberg , Cologne and London

The Tamil Eelam Economic DevelopmentOrganisation has made a beginning in makingavailable Tamil Learning Software free onthe web. Siddharthan Ramachandramurthi's Learning Tamil pagecontains useful information about Tamil Classes, Tamil Educational Softwareand Tamil Textbooks

Tamil: Its Assets & CurrentNeeds

'...Interestingly, the Tamil word forvowels, Uyir means life, and the word forconsonants, Mey means both body and reality.Neither life nor body can exist without theother. ..'

1. Tamil is a more logicallanguage than most other languages. Forinstance,

a) there is no arbitrary assignment of genderto inanimate things as in Latin, French or theSanskrit-based languages. Just imagine having tomemorize whether a stone or a book is masculineor feminine!

b) declination of verbs: the verb-ending inTamil depends on the number, gender and person,invariably. The middle depends on the tense. Inmost other languages there are too manycategories of verb-endings, which one simply hasto memorize. (English, of course, has hardly amethod to its madness in this matter and rightlydubbed as one of the most illogical of languagesby Bernard Shaw)

c) all case- endings follow similar sets ofrules; eg: when the word is only two-letters-longand starts with a short letter, it inserts avowel or doubles the consonant in all case-endings, so that the identity of the word is notlost. Eg: Avan becomes avanai or avanaal, butKan, instead of becoming kanai or kanaal, becomeskannai or kannaal

d) common alteration of vowels and consonantsleads to an ease of production by the vocalapparatus and to a euphonic sound. Consonantclusters such as seen in the Scandinavianlanguages are clumsy and call for a bit ofgymnastics by the vocal apparatus. The Japaneselanguage is very particular about this, alwaysalternating the vowels and the consonants. Evenwhen it borrows words from other languages, itnaturalizes them suitably: eg. Pikkunikku (the cncalls for an awkward jump), domokurashy .

Tamil too generally does this, avoiding thegymnastics of Prakriti, naturalizing it intoPirakiruti.

Interestingly, the Tamil word for vowels,Uyir means life, and the word for consonants, Meymeans both body and reality. Neither life norbody can exist without the other.

Uyir by itself, such as aeoui, will be allethereal, with no solidity, while consonantclusters such as brkjtp will be all hard andlifeless as stones without the enlivening vowels.So the logical need for their alternation.

e) not ending a word with a plosive consonant(like k,ch,t,p etc) which would entail the effortof a sudden break .and stiffness. (Even languageswhich allow it often add a vowel at the end whilesinging, which promotes relaxation: Dost dost naraha becomes Dostu dostu na raha)

f) avoiding insertion of plosive sounds in themiddle of a word _ for instance, the normaltendency of the language will be to pronounce� as Sedhu rather than asSethu.

Nasal consonants are followed by thecorresponding consonant that originates at thesame location in the vocal apparatus: nga (backof the throat � guttural), nja(palatal), nda (tongue bent on palate), mba(bilabial-both lips) and so on, again generallyavoiding the need for vocal gymnastics. (Thesefour tendencies of the language given in d, e, fand g give the euphonic sound to it.)

g) Tamil has perhaps the most extensive,scientific and intricate system of prosody. Whilethe Sanskrit prosody is much more extensive andintricate than that of English, it pales incomparison to that of Tamil.
2. In spite of being spoken by a whole race ofpeople including the illiterate among them, Tamilhas maintained such a continuity and uniformitythat literature written 2000 years ago can beunderstood by the educated readers of thepresent. This is unusual.

Languages spoken by the common man generallyundergo a great deal of change from region toregion and with the passage of time. Forinstance, English changed so much in a thousandyears that the works such as those of Chaucer'sneed to be almost rewritten in order to beunderstood by the readers of today.

This is not applicable to Latin and Sanskrit,since they have always been languages of thecourt and scholars only and not of daily usage bythe people. In this respect, Tamil has managed tokeep the cake and eat it too, by keeping thewritten form unchanged while the spoken has beenchanging with time, and in addition hasvariations based on region and community. Theresult is a spoken language markedly distinctfrom the written. This is a source of greattrouble for non-Tamils who wish to learn to speakand read Tamil, but can be overcome by learningthe written form and then the general lines andprinciples on which it is distorted when spoken.However, the aforesaid great advantage remains,namely, the written form does not change too muchwith time.
3. The great difficulty faced by those who domost of their learning through the medium ofTamil is the difficulty in consistentlyrepresenting certain alien sounds in Tamil. It isnot unusual to hear some of them say Bagisdhanfor Pakisthan or gaali when they actually want tosay kaali (empty), a word naturalized intoTamil.

The unfortunate thing is that to use B or G atthe beginning of a word is entirely alien to theTamil language, yet many Tamils whose learning ofthese words is through the medium of Tamil, makesuch errors because of confusion. The wordPakisthan illustrates their plight: written inTamil, the first consonant could be B or P, thesecond G or K, and the third Th or Dh, leading toeight possibilities in pronouncing the wordwritten in Tamil.

When our Tamil medium students need tocommunicate with those of other languages inlater life, they frequently encounter suchpitfalls as Bagisdhan for Pakisthan. Thus, theyare exposed to ridicule by others and lose allself- confidence and start getting a feeling thattheir language is in some way inferior.

In this age when we are constantly in contactwith matters pertaining to the whole world, if wedo not address this great difficulty, those wholearn in Tamil medium will face a greatdisadvantage. In due course of time, when theTamil parents realize this, they will not want tosend their children to Tamil medium schools; thelanguage will languish. That would be a pity,since Tamil is such a wonderful language and canbe practically effective in the present world tooif it overcomes this limitation.

A simple scheme and some guidelines areproposed in this connection and I hope that itwill lead to a wider discussion and action inthis matter. (sorry, not yet written down)
4. The representation of Tamil through theEnglish alphabet:

It can be shown that the representationnaturally followed by a Tamil is logicallysuperior to that followed by the Sanskrit basedlanguages, which were obliged to adopt thatscheme because of the aspirant sounds in theiralphabet (kha, chha, pha etc}.

Writing Geetha is certainly more logical thanGita or Geeta, from the point of view of Englishand Tamil, and to a large extent, even from thepoint of view of Sanskrit. The current scheme wasproposed for Sanskrit, probably by themissionaries, with a view to accommodating theaspirant letters even there they woukd have donebetter to keep t for � and thfor � .

The current scheme is not in accordance withthe natural sound pattern of Tamil, or Englishand is not the best even from the Sanskrit pointof view. The Sanskrit-based languages use thesame letter, t for two different vargas orcategories, namely, for � andfor �. In any case, therepresentation th as in think gives a sound moreakin to � than does the lettert.

The Tamilians' writing of words such asDhivya, Dheepak, Ajith, Sumathi, Thaj is thoughtby many North-Indians to be owing to ignorance,but it is they who need to be enlightened.Unfortunately we have accepted the representationhanded to us by those who formulated it forSanskrit and continue to write Tamil instead ofThamil; is it too late to do anything aboutit?

5. We Tamils need to have a clearunderstanding of the way our language works. Mostof us go about it instinctively, but at times, itleads to avoidable inconsistencies:

a) At the beginning of a word the hardconsonants are always hard, unless it is a wordfrom another language that starts with a softsound and is not yet fully naturalized intoTamil: thittam (plan) should not be pronounced asdhittam, nor kudhirai as gudhirai since they areoriginal Tamil words. While gunam or bayam may bepronounced as such, since it is from the Sanskritword of that sound and has not yet fullynaturalized into kunam or payam.

b) When we represent Tamil words in English,the Tamil rules of sound must be respected. Forinstance, the letters க,த, ட, unless preceded by aவல்லினம்மெய், is alwayspronouned as ga, dha or da and not as ka, tha orta. So புதிய,செந்தில்,மகன் should alwaysbe pudhiya, sendhil, and magan and not puthiya,senthil or makan. One will not hear them normallyspoken thus, and the sound of the word must berepresented, not that of each letter.

c) The choice between and shuld be clear. is used at the beginning of aword and at otherplaces. There are 2 exceptions:

i) with the combination of ந்த,ந்து etc.

(ii) when a word starting with takes a prefix to supplementor reverse or modify its meaning. In these cases,either or may be used, ie.either following the original rule or indicatingthe root of the word. Therefore, we may writeஅநீதிor அனீதி,விநாயகர்or வினாயகர்,அந்நியன்or அன்னியன்(This is from Sanskrit, niyam meaning self, orone's own, anniyan being the antonym.). There isa recent trend to write இயக்குநர்,ஓட்டுநர்etc., instead of இயக்குனர்,ஓட்டுனர்.The tendency should be discouraged.

6. A living language must change and grow inorder to survive and thrive, or else it will loseusage and become extinct. Why is it that such alogical, euphonic, ancient yet living languagewith a rich literature is today facing theignominy of the elite of its own peoplepreferring to educate their children through analien medium? This is not so in Japan, Russia,Germany or China.

The primary reasons are two.

i) The difficulty of articulating alien soundsas outlined above. Though Tamil in itself may beable to express most concepts without the aid ofother languages, in the present world, it isincreasingly necessary to communicate with peopleof other languages, and consistentrepresentations of sounds unusual to Tamil is aninevitable necessity.

This is easily attainable; we need adiscussion on this to arrive at the mostpractical solutions. Tamil can weather theseminor modifications and take them in its stride.The changes introduced into the Tamil script bythe European missionaries have not jeopardizedthe language in any way; nor have the changesintroduced by Periyaar to achieve unifornity inthe representation of lai, nai, naa, raa etc.

ii) Coining of new words as necessary. Here afew points are worth keeping in mind.

a) If there is an existing Tamil word thatwould be naturally suitable for a new concept, weshould jump at it and use it.

b) If there are naturalized substitutes fromother languages already established in commonuse, they should be readily accepted as a part ofthe language, without any qualms such as thosefelt by Thanithamil Iyakkamists. Tamil has thecapacity to absorb, digest and assimilate themall without being lost in them. (Such willingnessand flexibility is the only reason why acomparatively primitive language that English wasa thousand years ago, has now become a very richlanguage.)

c) while coining new words, we need not alwaysfollow the line on which the original word wascoined; if an innovative, short, apt Tamilic formcan be coined, that would be more acceptable evenif it is not a literal translation of the wordbut represents the object better.

d) no need to make lengthy explanatorydescriptions instead of new words because of thefear that people may not understand what thystand for. No need to underestimate people, theyare capable of arrving at the right target in duecourse of time, quicker than we think, if thecoinage is apt. மென்பொருள்,வலையம்,கணினி aresome beautiful examples.

Computer-aided Teachingof Tamil (Multimedia- orOnline/Web-assisted)

1.TamilTeaching via Distance Learning:Achievements and Prospects for theFuture Prof. Harold F. Schiffman, PennLanguage Center, Univ of Pennsylvania, PA,USA
2.The Singapore Tamil Classroom Challenge,Teaching Strategies and Tamil Internet -Striking The Perfect Balance, Mrs.Ravindran, Chua Chu Kang Primary School,Singapore
3.E -Learning in Tamil - The Singapore TamilClassroom Journey,
Miss Sandi Perumal ( Kranji Primary School,Singapore ) &
Mrs. Kalyani Rajendran ( Princess ElizabethPrimary School, Singapore )
5.கல்விமென்பொருள்களைப்பயன்படுத்திதமிழ்மொழிகற்பித்தல்- ஓர்அனுபவம்,Mohamed Shariff H.A, Subject co-ordinator -Tamil Language, Anglo-ChineseSchool(Independent), Singapore
7.இலக்கப்பாடியும்இலத்திரன்கல்வியும்(Digital Learning in Digital Village)Ms. Subashini Kanagasundaram,Hewlett-Packard, Boeblingen, Germany
டாக்டர்.வா. மு.சே.முத்துராமலிங்கஆண்டவர்,பச்சையப்பன்கல்லூரி,சென்னை& திரு.கவியரசன்,நியுஜெர்ஸி,நியுயார்க்,அமெரிக்கா
10.The usageof Tamil Softwares and Web-pages in theteaching and learning of Tamil Language inMalaysian Tamil Schools M. Paramasivam,University Putra Malaysia, Selongor,Malaysia
11.மல்ட்டிமீடியா+ கல்விகற்றுவித்தல்=எதிர்காலகல்வியியல்
- தி. மணி& அ.இராசகோபலன்,சென்னைப்பல்கலைக்கழகம்,சென்னை,இந்தியா
12.Learning and Teaching Languages withInternet-Web Mr, Siva Pillai, Goldsmith College, Univ of London, London, UK
13..Multimedia-assistedTeaching of Tamil, Eric Miller,Doctoral Student in Tamil folklore, Univ ofPennsylvania, PA, USA
14.Multimedia & Online resource basedteaching in Tamil Dr. M. Ponnavaiko,Director, Tamil Virtual University
15.Literary enrichment with IT resourcesDr.A. Ra. Sivakumaran, National Instituteof Education, Singapore
16.Tamil Educational Multimedia SoftwareCreation made Easy - An Experience R.Kalaimani, National Institute of Education,Singapore

Teaching ChildrenTamil

Tamil alphabets TeachingAid
Tamil for Kids
Mazalais - A Website forChildren ' An exclusive Tamil teachingsection to guide children as well as adultsto produce Tamil contents with allapplications in the PC is developed withextremely versatile Transliteration softwareAzhagi.'
Parenting Tips to raise Tamilspeaking kids

Tamil Nursery Rhymes...

Lessons and LearningMaterials at NJ Tamil Class...
All documents arebilingual. You should learn the Tamilalphabet and practice reading andwriting Tamil. However, in order tohelp you learn Tamil faster, thematerial is also available in'transliterated' format so that you canread them even if you do not know Tamilscript. Examples of spoken / colloquialform also are provided. However, thereare numerous variations in the spokenTamil. Only one or two variations arecovered in the material. All documentscontain vocabulary sections dealingwith the words used in each section.The documents are grouped by topic(such as rhymes, verbs, etc). Whilethey can be used more or lessindependently, it may help if you usein them in parallel - say, learn 1rhyme, 1 prayer, some verb usage, etc
Part-0: The Tamilscript: Alphabet ChartLearn to write: VowelsConsonantsSimilaritiesTransliterationScheme (includes info on Tamilpoetry and Music)
Part-1 : Prayers (pAlumtheLithEnum, kAdhalAgi kasindhu,piththA piRai sUdi, etc.)
Part-2 :Pronunciationguidelines
Part-3 : Rhymes (AththisUdi, kondRai vEndhan, etc.)
Part-4 : Stories (Poet andthe miser, Thotakacharya, etc.)
Part-5 : Verbs (Tense,Gender, Number, etc.)
Part-6 : Prepositions(vEtRumaigaL 1-8)
Part-7 : Word Lists (Humanbody, House, etc.)
Part-8 : Common Situations -Sample sentences (At home -weekend, etc)
Part-9 :thirukkuRaL
Selection-1 (aRam -Virtue / Dharma)
Tamil Reader forStandard 1 - Preface ; Chapters : 123456789101112131415161718
Mathematics in Tamil for Standard 1 -Preface Pages : 1-56-1213-1516-2223-2829-3637-3839-4243-4849-5354-5960-6667-7273-7576-8182-8485-8687-91
Tamil Studies at Universityof Toronto
University of California atBerkeley
Tamil at Boston LanguageInstitute
University of Pennsylvania
University ofChicago
Yale University
University of Heidelberg
University ofCologne
University ofLondon
UppasalaUniversity, Sweden
Tamil VirtualUniversity
Exploring aNon-Western Culture: The Tamils - ColoradoUniversity
Educational Institutions inTamil Nadu and Tamil Eelam
Tamil To Be Taught At YaleUniversity, 2004 '..Yale'sconnection to South Asia goes back to itsnaming after its patron Elihu Yale, governorof the British East India Company's Fort St.George from 1687 to 1692 in what is todayChennai, the capital of Tamil Nadu...'
Madurai Kamaraj University StudyCenter USA

School Rhymes Tamil Mp3 Free Download

Primary Rhymes Tamil

Baby Rhymes In Tamil

Tamil lessons, Preschool lessons, alphabet, numbers, colors, fruits, vegetables. 'Johny Johny Yes Papa Nursery Rhyme' - 3D Animation Kids Songs & English Nursery Rhymes For Children.