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OpenERP Server Developers Documentation 7.0b. We suggest you follow the Flash tutorial for this or download the travel agency module from the 20 minutes tutorial.

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  1. Concepts¶ Database ID The primary key of a record in a PostgreSQL table (or a virtual version thereof), usually varies from one database to the next.
  2. This article will show you how to set up openerp-server 5.0.0-3-1 + openerp-client 5.0.0-3-1 + openerp-web 5.0.1 for Ubuntu Server 9.0.4 Introduction Open ERP (formerly named Tiny ERP) is the leader open-source ERP/CRM system written mostly in Python and initiated in Belgium.
  3. # The file where the server pid will be stored (default False). #pidfile = /var/run/ # The file where the server log will be stored (default False). Logfile = /var/log/openerp-server.log # The unix account on behalf openerp is running. Processuser = zg # The IP address on which the server will bind.
  4. OpenERP All-In-One Installation¶. Each time a new release of OpenERP is made, OpenERP supplies a complete Windows auto-installer for it. This contains all of the components you need – the PostgreSQL database server, the OpenERP application server, the GTK application client and the Web client.

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